Erima Jackets Europe

34679 - Erima Jackets Europe
34679 - Erima Jackets Europe
34679 - Erima Jackets Europe
34679 - Erima Jackets Europe
34679 - Erima Jackets Europe

Erima Jackets Europe

Item number: 34679

The goods are top packaged, on each pallet / carton is an inventory with EAN code item size-quantity color
The RRP was 49.00€ to 69.00€
Total: 5 534 pcs.
Price take all: 8.65€ each
EXW Germany

Additional information:

Pictures and packinglist Pictures and packinglist here

Price: 8.65 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.